The best way to have a fabulous time on a biking tour is to make sure the level of biking required suits your vision for active travel. Be honest with yourself about how much effort you want to expend each day to see the area you are touring. Almost all bike tour descriptions will include the biking level recommended to not just complete the tour, but truly enjoy it as well. In addition, most bike tours will offer an e-bike option which puts you on a bicycle with on-demand power assist, which is handy if you are riding in a group of varied biking levels. Below are some guidelines/level descriptions that will help you pick the right level of tour difficulty.
Beginner/Level 1 - Your definition of a great bike ride is casually gliding down paved bike paths over flat or mostly flat ground in no particular hurry to get to your destination. You sometimes ride in flip flops or Keds and the beverage at the end of your ride is more important than the ride itself. If this sounds like you, pick a Level 1 tour.
Beginner-Intermediate/Level 2 - Your definition of a great bike ride is a combination of gliding along over rolling hills and possibly climbing a few steeper ones. You might own a pair of cycling shoes and you're considering clips on your pedals to help you over those hills. The destination beverage is still very important to the success of the ride though. If this sounds like you, pick a Level 2 tour.
Intermediate-Advanced/Level 3 - Your definition of a great bike ride is steady pedaling over longer distances and varied terrain with some steep climbs thrown in. You definitely own cycling shoes, wear cycling jerseys and have clips on your pedals. The destination beverage is important, but less important than the ride itself. If this sounds like you, pick a Level 3 tour.
Advanced/Level 4 - Your definition of a great bike ride is pedaling at blinding speed along the Tour de France route on a sleek road bike. You worry about a 3 oz cycling bag weighing you down, own multiple pairs of cycling shoes, and wear bike jerseys with your home group name on it. The ride is the only thing you concentrate on as your cycling, but you're happy for a beverage at the end. If this sounds like you, pick a Level 4 ride.