Join Us For Your Next Adventure!
Prior Trips with Pickleball - Replicate or Design Something New
Red Mountain Resort in Greater Zion, Utah
Did you know that the anticipation of a trip can contribute meaningfully to your positive mental health? Just reflect on a past trip you've loved, and wasn't it fun to plan and shop for it! And better yet, when going with a group, you all get to have fun discussing it before you leave. We are excited for all the first-time guests who can join in this wonderful journey that awaits you in beautiful Southern Utah!
Journeys That Fit iCollaborated with Pickleball Tours and its founder, Michael Boraas. He created Pickleball Tours with a vision to introduce others to his passions involving travel, pickleball, education, yoga and entrepreneurship. He'll be offering private, semi-private and group lessons and game play throughout the retreat on 6 courts that are quickly bikeable from the resort. No equipment is required. So, whether this will be your first-time playing Pickleball or you're a seasoned pro, Pickleball Tours is excited to engage with you during our retreat!
Contact us to express interest and explore how we can create this for you, and better yet, your friends too!

Cruise in
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany on the AmaMagna
September 2023
Come explore through sights, sounds, tastes, and most importantly, experiences on the AmaMagna as we indulge our senses from Budapest, Hungary to Vilshofen, Germany - floating through FOUR countries - Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany.
When docked, guests will get the thrill of playing pickleball while floating on a river.
While there are included excursions every day, plus many more ship amenities, guests will sign up to play with the onboard cruise manager. Exclusively on this sailing, lessons will be available with Michael Boraas, founder of 'Pickleball Tours'. Your River Cruise with Pickleball Awaits!
Contact us to express interest and explore how we can create this for you, and better yet, your friends too!